Any Silk Touch-enchanted tool (including swords) will cause an infested block to drop its non-infested equivalent (that is, a pickaxe is not required). When mined with a tool enchanted with Silk Touch, however, the equivalent non-infested block is dropped without spawning a silverfish on all game difficulties. If the silverfish is killed in one hit, then nearby infested blocks do not break, and no silverfish spawn from them.

If the player attacks a silverfish directly with a sword, bow, or potion of Harming, or when a silverfish takes Poison damage, nearby infested blocks break, spawning more aggressive silverfish. When mined with anything other than a Silk Touch-enchanted tool, an infested block drops nothing and spawns a silverfish that immediately attacks the player. When breaking them with a pickaxe, they take half as much time to break as their normal counterparts. Infested blocks take less time to break than their normal counterparts. When the block is broken, whether by a player or by an explosion, a silverfish spawns where it was broken unless the difficulty is Peaceful or the game rule doTileDrops is set to false ( doMobSpawning is irrelevant). More silverfish appear when attacking the first one. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.īreaking an infested block by hand. ↑ Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds.